Blog: 5 Signs of Depression to watch out for
Like any mental health issue, depression can differ from person to person – we’re all unique! There are no two cases of depression or any other mental health issue that are the same.
Like any mental health issue, depression can differ from person to person – we’re all unique! There are no two cases of depression or any other mental health issue that are the same.
But these are some of the main symptoms you may be going through if you’re suffering with depression. For most people with depression these will happen most of the day, nearly every day.
The feelings of sadness and hopelessness can be overwhelming and interfere with your daily life.
This can be particularly disheartening and exacerbate your low mood because things like tidying things away, washing dishes and clothes, and even simply maintaining your own hygiene can become worse over time until it feels overwhelming.
If you find that your interest in your hobbies, favourite subjects at school or games that you play with friends is dwindling, this can be a sign of your low mood and depression.
Socialising can feel exhausting and draining instead of fulfilling, and trying to hide how you really feel from your loved ones can become an impossible task.
It is important that if you feel this way it could be that you need an outlet for your emotions and frustrations, but taking it out on your own body is not the best solution.
Depression can show itself in many different ways -the list above is an example of some of the most common symptoms. You may also…
About 280 million people in the world are currently struggling with depression.
You are not alone. Telling someone how you feel is the first step to getting better, and it might feel like a huge step, but it’s one of the most important steps to take.
If you don’t feel like you can keep yourself safe, it’s really important to get help. You can call 999, or get yourself to A&E, or call an organisation like The Samaritans on 116 123. Talking to someone really helps – it can take the scariness out of that moment.