If you are a young person or an organisation that works with young people. Whatever you’re experiencing, Stop.Breathe.Think. are able to provide essential support thanks to Gompels.
If you would like to book a first appointment with us, please click below. All appointments will take place online at a time and day that best suits you.
We aim to support as many young people as we can. However in certain circumstances it may be deemed that our service is not appropriate for your needs.
Stop.Breathe.Think. can not provide crisis intervention; If you are a young person and are in immediate danger or feel like you might harm yourself call 999, or go straight to hospital. Find your nearest A&E – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
If you are a professional or parent supporting a young person in crisis, please support your young person in accessing alternative support.
Please enter the following code at the top of the booking form: WILTSHIRE
Please note to access counselling with Stop.Breathe.Think. you must:
Through our service, you can access up to six free online counselling sessions with one of our lovely trained counsellors. The first step is to book in for a first intake appointment so that we can have an informal chat to get to know you better. Whatever you’re struggling with, talking to someone can really help. Nothing is too big or too small.
Please watch this short video to find out more about how we work with you:
Finished your counselling? Click here to complete our survey